From giving lectures at university, Olivia realised that her passion to assist youngsters in education was greater than just one way lecturing and entered the teaching arena here in Benoni. After spending 6 years with the Department of Education, Olivia felt led to create an environment where a fully bilateral experience of learning could take place.
Tutoring for Success opened its doors in April 2017 to satisfy an evident need for such specialised bilateral tutoring to learners who struggle in the mainstream school system.
From humble beginnings in our then residential cottage, Tutoring for Success Education Centre (TFS) has grown with the demand for this more personal and dedicated approach to tuition. 2018 saw the opening of our primary and senior phase buildings and in 2019 our residence was vacated and transformed into our FET phase building, inclusive of a laboratory and hospitality kitchen facility. 2021 saw 3 new classrooms, a 16 toilet ablution block added as well as an extension of our examination hall to cater for 90 learner seats.
In 2023 we installed a backup 5000 litre water storage tank and solar/inverter/battery solutions in all buildings to counter the ongoing loadshedding saga. At the start of 2024 all grassed areas were replaced with artificial grass (maintaining a neat appearance right through the year) and CCTV cameras throughout the Centre.
With continued increase in the demand for our educational experience, TFS changed its employment policy and enjoys a fair mix of qualified teachers, qualified professionals whilst still providing opportunities for B.Ed student teachers (who put into practice what they are learning through their university studies). A fundamental requirement for all staff is to share our passion to educate young learners.
Notwithstanding our focus on education, TFS is also sensitive to the other needs of a learner in his or her overall development. To this end TFS offers various cultural extra mural activities.
Our aim will always be focused on the learner in providing them with the best possible foundation for their future careers in a safe environment that is conducive to help in achievement of their personal educational aspirations.
Hospitality Studies has become an increasingly popular subject for learners intending to follow a career in the hospitality and/or tourism industries.
More robust ovens have already been installed to cater for the increased popularity.
From proving Newton’s Laws of Motion to dissections of pig’s hearts and lungs, TFS does it all!
Reading about experiments is vastly different from actually performing them. Using one’s senses of sight, smell, hearing, touch and sometimes taste, provides a deeper and more long lasting learning experience to that gained by merely reading.
The Examination Board regulates strict seating arrangements and exam conduct which Impaq and those using Impaq’s curriculum, must abide to.
TFS takes test and exams seriously and ensures that the prescribed rules are followed from Grade 4 through to Grade 12.
We currently have 7 authorised Impaq Invigilators on staff of which one oversees each test or exam being written at the Centre.
To cater for TFS’s continued learnership growth, it became necessary to build a purposeful ablution block. Consisting of 16 toilets split into 4 individual bathrooms, boys and girls (grades R to 6) and boys and girls (grades 7 to 12).
TFS Institute of Learning CC
T/A Tutoring for Success (Reg 2011/077789/23)
20 Nestadt Street, Rynfield, Benoni 1501
010 013 4263
Let the little children come to me,
for the Kingdom of God belongs to them”
© Copyright 2024 TFS Institute of Learning CC